
Link to download my CV here.


An (incomplete) list of some MATLAB code I’ve written for numerical analysis and optimization classes, along with some for personal projects:

Golden Seach: Efficient line search which always converges on minimum in region Download

Many-Dimensional Newton’s Method: Newton’s method for n-dimensional search space Download

Gaussian Quadrature: Definite integral approximation with 2nd and 3rd degree polynomials Download

Bezier Curve: Constructs and plots Bezier curve with given endpoint and guidepoints Download

Computational Modeling of Thyroid Disease States

Under Dr. Joe Distefano III, I am extending thyroid models to account for antibody interactions in Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s disease in the hopes of providing an accurate predictive tool for research and clinical applications.

Biomechanics Reports

While studying in Sweden, I wrote the following reprots detailing the biomechanical properties of rat bone and tendon. I really enjoyed the work and am proud of the results, viewable here (bone), and here (tendon). All of the data processing and visualization was handled using numpy and matplotlib libraries in python. The simulations were run with ANSYS Mechanical APDL.

Translational Regulation

Under Dr. Guillaume Chanfreau, I investigated a particular type of intronic RNA known as small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) at the UCLA Department of Biochemistry . In particular, I studied yeast cell lines with modified snoRNAs and how they deal with metal stress and glucose starvation to uncover targets of and biochemical mechanisms behind snoRNA mediated gene regulation and rRNA modification. I also contributed to optimizing the algorithms and user interface of COMPASS., a program developed by Dr. Kevin Roy during his time in the lab, to identify non-canonical splice sites in intronic DNA. Lab Website.