
Regatta Results

Stats 2009-22

Summary of the UCLA sailing team’s performance over the past 13 years. All data is taken from and is updated as of Spring 2022.

Placement Metric: Each regatta is ranked from 0 to 1. 1 represents a set of perfect races while 0 represents the worst races possible (Congrats to the team for our first perfect regatta this year in Newport!)
Best Boat Lead: The hue of the points gives a feel for how well our best boat placed in the regatta (the darker the better).
Last Boat Trail: Likewise, the size of the points indicates how well our last boat placed (the bigger the better).

See jupyter notebook for details. (Uploading soon)

All Recipes Ingredient Analysis

This Jupyter Notebook contains the script that was used to scrape and parse the website All Recipes to pinpoint interesting, tasty, and underutilized ingredient combinations. To run the notebook on your own (which I recommend so that you can explore the interactive plot which is generated), you will need to download this CSV file and specify its path inside the notebook code. Try changing page_start and page_end to a small range if you want the notebook to run more quickly.

Sample results

Sample All Recipes Scraper Results

You can also use the this API to automatically format recipies into an easy to read format that omits all the fluff (stories, external links, ads, etc.). (uploading soon)